






JADSプログラムは、AfDBと日本が2017年に開始した能力開発プロジェクトであり、2年の奨学金を授与して、学部を卒業したアフリカ学生が大学院で学べるプログラムです(2年間の修士号プログラム)。 AfDBと日本政府が達成しようとする包括的な目標は、アフリカ開発銀行の最優先分野High 5s(ハイ・ファイブズ)アジェンダ(「Feed Africa 食料増産」、「Light up Africa アフリカの電化」、「Industrialize Africa工業化」、「Integrate Africa地域統合」、「Imrpove the quality of live of the people of Africa 生活の質の向上」)と日本の主要な開発支援イニシアチブと一致しています。JADSの中心的な研究分野は、エネルギー、農業、保健、持続可能な環境、工学を含みます。また、このプログラムは、日本とアフリカの大学間のコラボレーション、大学と産業界のパートナーシップの促進も目指しています。大学院の修了後、JADSの奨学生は母国に戻り、新たに獲得した知識とスキルを活用し、国内およびアフリカ大陸での社会経済開発に貢献することが期待されています。詳細は下記ウェブサイトをご覧下さい。


Japan African Dream Scholarship Program highlights the need for private sector partnerships on skills development in Africa

Tokyo, September 6, 2019 –African Development Bank (AfDB) underlined the requisite demand for academia-industry collaboration in skills development in Africa. AfDB organized the first Japan African Dream Scholarship (JADS) program seminar in Tokyo, Japan on September 6, 2019 which was attended by the Government of Japan, JICA, Japanese universities and private sector players, and JADS Scholars. The JADS program provides two-year scholarship awards to highly achieving African graduate students to enable them to undergo graduate level training in energy, agriculture, health, environmental sustainability, and engineering and related disciplines. It also seeks to promote inter-university collaborations and university-industry partnerships between Japan and Africa to build bankable knowledge and skill sets for Africa’s sustainable industrialization.

Participating JADS scholars drawn from the University of Tokyo, Kyushu University and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University expressed their gratitude to the Bank for having been given the opportunity to study in leading universities in Japan. They said that the program granted them a rare opportunity to have access to some of the best educational facilities and equipment in the world. Their expectations were that they will be able to create new networks, work with the private sector and apply the acquired knowledge in new energy technologies and innovations in support of sustainable development of their home countries.

About the JADS Program The Japan Africa Dream Scholarship (JADS) Program is a capacity building project by the AfDB and Japan which was initiated in 2017 with the aim of providing two-year scholarship awards to highly achieving African graduate students to enable them to undergo post-graduate studies (i.e. a two-year Master’s degree program) in selected priority development areas on the continent and Japan. The overarching goal the AfDB and the Government of Japan seek to attain is to enhance skills and human resources development in Africa as stated in the African Development Bank’s High 5s agenda (i.e. “Feed Africa”, “Light up Africa”, “Industrialize Africa”, “Integrate Africa” and “Improve the quality of life of the people of Africa”) and key Japanese development assistance initiatives. JADS core areas of study focus include energy, agriculture, health, environmental sustainability, and engineering. The program also seeks to promote inter-university collaboration and university-industry partnerships between Japan and Africa. Upon completion of their studies, the JADS scholars are expected to return to their home countries to apply and disseminate their newly acquired knowledge and skills, contributing in national and intra-continental socio-economic development .

The International Development Centre of Japan (IDCJ) is partnering with the AfDB in the implementation of the JADS program in Japan, and the promotion of collaboration between JADS universities and Japanese private sector. IDCJ provided AfDB with support in organizing the JADS seminar.
